Sunday, August 10, 2008

Finally... The long awaited Dutch Apple Pie is here.

For those of you that where waiting. I can proudly say that today, after a whole week threatening, I have finally cooked my Mom's famous Dutch Apple Pie (well, my version anyways).

It was a gorgeous and atypical winter Sunday today, Sunny, and just warm enough to go for long walks without working a sweat. Therefore and as you can imagine most of the day was spent outdoors.
First my girlfriend and I had breakfast at a Nature Deli, where the bread had the same yeasty smell of my Aunt's homemade bread. She used to bake the most wonderful bread loafs and that perfume triggered memories of my childhood and the hours spent in the kitchen just watching.
Then we headed out to San Telmo with a mission, buying some nice old dishes (some people call them antique, I just call them old). Walked, walked and then walked some more but finally found what we were looking for, eight old (and beautiful) English dishes. With a backpack full of dishes (that of course I was carrying) and tired of walking all day we headed back to her house starving. A crucial pit stop was made at the supermarket where we bought a tomatoes, a fresh baguette, ham and camembert (not the truly smelly one) and VoilĂ ... minutes upon arrival we were feasting on delicious sandwiches (mayo, tomato, ham and camembert on the baguettes).

After this and watching TV for a while I felt the need to bake. I had all I needed (cloves included). So I lit up the oven and started with the baking pie.

This is all very simple, and everyone that tried my Mom's recipe loved it. So I urge you to try it as well.

You start with six green apples, peel them cut them in fourths and take out the core (the seeds and the hard tissue around them). Place them all in a pot, add a spoonful of sugar for each apple you use and a bit of water, like 1/5 cup or less (it's just for keeping the sugar and fruit from burning until the apples have released some of their water) add a pinch of ground cloves, cover with the lid and place on the stove at medium heat. Once it starts boiling I take the lid out to let the liquid evaporate.
While the apples are cooking, I mix 1 cup of regular flour, 4 spoonfuls of sugar a pinch of salt 100 grams of butter and 3 egg yolks (my Mom's original only calls for one, but I like my pie crust extra yellow). I mix everything right there on the pie mold, that way I there is less to clean afterwards. Once the dough is done (it holds together and doesn't fall apart) I stretch it on the mold making sure it goes all the way up the walls, then I pinch it with a fork and cook it in the oven at medium heat for 10-15 minutes (more or less depending on the oven) I take it out when its slightly golden.
If the timing is right the apples would be done at this point and I place them on the warm and golden pie crust (the apples just need to get a little soft, or not, depends on how you like them).
I flatten the apples down and add mixture of 1 cup cream, 2 spoonfuls of flour, 2 spoonfuls of sugar and a pinch of grounded cloves. This mixture gets in the gaps between the apples and solidifies after cooking.
Almost done, just one more step, in a cup mix 3 spoonfuls of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon and sprinkle it over the pie evenly and covering it entirely. If done right it comes out caramelized after cooking and it tastes great (if not, don't worry, it will still taste great).
All set now. place it in the oven at medium heat (if the oven is too hot the crust burns and it tastes a bit bitter). After 45 minutes (more or less) the crust is brownish, the pie is bubbling and the crust looks caramelized.
You are done now... take it out of the oven and let it cool for an hour or so to let it set.
We were too anxious and had ours while still too hot (the pieces did not come out all that perfect but the taste was to die for)

Again as I said before, I urge you to try this at home and try it while it is still cold outside. Nothing like a warm kitchen with the oven on in winter and if something that smells great, tastes even better and you made yourself comes out of it, all the better.

Look at the pictures below, black tea, whipped cream and nice slice of my Mom's Dutch Apple Pie... not bad for tea time on a Sunday Afternoon, right?

Oops, I was wrong I used seven apples not six

Here you see the finished Pie right out of the oven.

A nice setting tea and pie for two

Check out the teapot, is made out of metal, it's the first time I see one like that.

Tea apple pie and cream, what else?

Close up on that pie... mmmmmm

Want some?
Ahh, check out the dish too, this is one we bought in San Telmo, nice right?

I'm waiting for your comments.
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Best regards,


  1. Porque no nos trajiste un poquito de ese apple pie!!!!!!!! QUIERO QUIERO QUIERO!

    ... capaz que hacemos un asalto y te robamos la panquequera!

    Voy a tratar de hacerla en mi casa... si no sale, nos traes vos una entera!

  2. Buenisima!!!. Yo la cocine y la verdad salio riquisima Franieeeeeeeeee....

    Tenes que traer a la oficina algo de todos esos platos exquisitos... el que usted quiera....

